py-gpkit | | Defining and manipulating geometric programming models |
py-GPSClient | | GUI GNSS (UBX especially) status and config program |
py-gpxpy | | Python library for parsing and manipulating GPX files. |
py-gpy | | The Gaussian Process Toolbox |
py-grab | | Web Scraping Framework |
py-grammalecte-fr | | French grammar and typographic corrector |
py-graph-tool | | Python module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs |
py-graphene | | GraphQL Framework for Python |
py-graphene-sqlalchemy | | Graphene SQLAlchemy integration |
py-graphite-web | | Enterprise scalable realtime graphing platform |
py-graphmin | | RDF Graph Minimisation |
py-graphpath | | Analysing graph-structured data, especially RDF |
py-graphql-core | | GraphQL.js, the JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL |
py-graphql-relay | | Relay library for graphql-core-next |
py-graphs | | Library for graph-based machine learning |
py-graphsim | | Graph similarity algorithms based on NetworkX |
py-graphtage | | Utility to diff tree-like files such as JSON and XML |
py-gratelpy | | Graph theoretic linear stability analysis |
py-gravipy | | Tensor Calculus Package for General Relativity |
py-greenery | | Manipulation of regular expressions as finite state machines |
py-griddata | | Interpolate irregularly spaced data to a grid |
py-grimp | | Builds a queryable graph of the imports Python packages |
py-grip | | Render local readme files before sending off to GitHub |
py-grpy | | Small GR-oriented package which uses sympy |
py-grtipy | | General Relativity toolbox in python |
py-gslodeiv2 | | Python binding for odeiv2 in GNU Scientific Library (GSL) |
py-gsw | | Gibbs SeaWater Oceanographic Package of TEOS-10 |
py-gtk2-docs | | Tutorial and reference manual for PyGTK 2.0 |
py-gtrie | | Pure Python trie data structure implementation |
py-gts | | Python bindings for GNU Triangulated Surface Library |
py-gvar | | Utilities for manipulating Gaussian random variables |
py-gwsurrogate | | Easy to use interface to gravitational wave surrogate models |
py-hal-cgp | | Cartesian Genetic Programming in pure Python |
py-halp | | Hypergraph Algorithms Package |
py-hamilton | | Visualize and control mechanic systems through solving these systems |
py-hamnonlineng | | Engineering Hamiltonians through Nonlinearities |
py-hamopy | | Heat, air and moisture transfer modelling in python |
py-handy | | Collection of tools to make your django life easier |
py-happy-control | | Nonlinear Algebraic Approximation in Control systems |
py-harvestingkit | | Kit of tools to convert publisher XML(NLM/JATS)to MARCXML |
py-hatchet | | Python library for analyzing hierarchical performance data |
py-hcluster | | Hierarchical Clustering Package For Scipy |
py-hdf5able | | Serialisation interface from ndarray-focused objects to HDF5 |
py-hdf5storage | | Utilities to read/write Python types to/from HDF5 files |
py-hdfs | | HdfsCLI: API and command line interface for HDFS |
py-HeapDict | | Heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations |
py-helio | | Componentised, hierarchical, notification driven Python web framework |
py-hepcrawl | | Scrapy project for feeds into INSPIRE-HEP |
py-hessianfree | | Hessian-free optimization for deep networks |
py-hexdump | | Dump binary data to hex format and restore from there |
py-hfk | | Computes Heegaard Floer homology for links |
py-hg-cinnabarclone | | Mercurial extension to accelerate git-cinnabar clone |
py-hg-git-devel | | Push to and pull from a Git server repository using Mercurial |
py-hgapi | | Python API to Mercurial using the command-line interface |
py-hickle | | Hickle - an HDF5 based version of pickle |
py-hidapi-git | | Python wrapper for the hidapi |
py-hieroglyph | | Sphinx which builds HTML5 slides from ReStructured Text documents |
py-hiphive | | High-order force constants for the masses |
py-hiredis | | Python wrapper for hiredis |
py-hmf | | Halo mass function calculator |
py-hmmlearn | | Algorithms for inference of Hidden Markov Models |
py-holoviews | | Plotting your data annotate your data and let it visualize itself |
py-holoviz | | High-level tools to simplify visualization in Python |
py-homeassistant | | Meta-package for prereqs for Home Assistant |
py-honcho | | Clone of Foreman, for managing Procfile-based applications |
py-hopic | | Generic jenkins shared pipeline alternative |
py-hostlist | | Manage SLURM host lists |
py-hotdoc | | API documentation system |
py-html | | Simple, elegant HTML, XHTML and XML generation |
py-htmlmin | | HTML Minifier |
py-htmlparser | | Backport of HTMLParser from python 2.7 |
py-htseq | | Python library to facilitate programmatic analysis of sequence data |
py-http-prompt | | Interactive HTTP command-line client |
py-httpie-jwt-auth | | TODO: Short description of the package |
py-hug | | Developing APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler |
py-hugo | | Discord bot library |
py-hvac | | Client library for Hashicorp vault |
py-hybridlfpy | | Methods to calculate LFPs with spike events from network sim |
py-hydrointerp | | Function for interpolating hydrologic features |
py-hyperbolic | | Python library for generating hyperbolic geometry |
py-hyperspy | | Multidimensional data analysis toolbox |
py-ibis | | Lightweight template engine |
py-ibmiotf | | Python Client for IBM Watson IoT Platform |
py-icane | | Python wrapper for ICANE Statistical Data and Metadata API |
py-idalink | | Interface to the insides of IDA |
py-identify | | File identification library for Python |
py-idx2numpy | | Provides tools to convert files to and from IDX format |
py-ift-nifty | | Numerical Information Field Theory |
py-igraph | | Manipulating Undirected and Directed Graphs for Python |
py-iisignature | | Iterated integral signature calculations |
py-imexam | | Python module for astronomical image examination |
py-import-linter | | Enforces rules for the imports within and between Python packages |
py-imread | | Imread: Image reading library |
py-imreg-dft | | Image registration utility using discrete Fourier transform |
py-influxdb | | Python client for InfluxDB |
py-innerscope | | Expose the inner scope of functions |
py-inspyred | | Bio-inspired computational intelligence algorithms in Python |
py-instant | | Instant Inlining of C/C++ in Python |
py-internetarchive | | Interface to the internet archive |
py-ionize | | Package for calculating electrolyte properties. |
mk | | Subfolder |